How we help

We help mainly by joining together for prayer, encouragement, input and sharing of resources. Below is what we have coming up (and also had recently).

All in-person meetings are open meetings to which any are invited, unless indicated otherwise.

If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us on

Supporting one another

Being a faithful evangelical can be lonely.  Join us and we will get in contact and see if we can connect you with others for mutual encouragement.


Tuesday 11th June

Encouraging Church Planting

Evening meeting and Annual Meeting

with Matt Beer from Telford Minster.

St Peter's Ipsley

Monday 7th October

Follow the star! How the God who drew the Magi to Bethlehem continues to gather the nations to worship him

Stories and inspiration from SOMA UK as we prepare for outreach and evangelism this Christmas

with Richard Moy, National Director SOMA UK  and Vicar of Christ Church W4

7pm - 9pm, St Peter's Ipsley

Thursday 14th November

Prayer lunch

12:30-1:30pm on Zoom

Join for prayer and encouragement


Wednesday 5th February

Does God have (a) sex? 

A reflection on God, sexuality and theological language
with Martin Davie

7pm- 9pm

Venue t.b.c.

Thursday 6th March

Prayer lunch

12:30-1:30pm on Zoom

Join for prayer and encouragement

Monday 9th June

Evening gathering and Annual General Meeting

Details to come

Tuesday 15th July

Prayer Evening

8pm - 9pm on Zoom

Join for prayer and encouragement

Monday 6th October

Evening meeting

Content t.b.c.

Thursday 3rd November

Prayer lunch

12:30pm - 1:30pm on Zoom

Join for prayer and encouragement